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    SHOCK Paranormal Research -- FAQs > Investigations > What happens during the SHOCK investigation process?

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    After you contact SHOCK and schedule your investigation, a team member will call or come out for a pre-investigation interview. During this time, you will be asked to sign a permission/release form and fill out a questionnaire. This will give us a better idea of what type of activity you've experienced, anyone else who has witnessed the activity and general information about the location. Also at this time, team member(s) will perform a quick walk-through of your location. This will better prepare them for the full investigation.

    During the actual investigation, SHOCK will set up various infrared cameras and audio recorders throughout the area. Once the stationary recorders are in place, the team will spend time in all areas of reported activity, gathering video evidence, taking pictures, collecting audio recordings, and using various meters to evaluate electromagnetic fields and temperature changes. When the team feels that all areas have been thoroughly covered, they will take down all equipment and leave your location as it was before the investigation

    Last updated on August 6, 2010 by Jennifer Kirkland